When we pray, we should acknowledge who God is, acknowledge where His throne is, acknowledge His power and strength, acknowledge His coming Kingdom, ask for forgiveness of sins, ask for deliverance from temptation and evil and declare He will reign forever. We should use this as template for our daily prayer.
Mat 6:9-13 "Pray, then, in this way: `Our Father Who is in heaven (so tender and strong), sacred and holy is Your name.
`Your powerful kingdom is coming. Your will and desire be done, On this earth as it is done in heaven.
`Give us each day exactly what we need.
`And forgive us of our mess ups and wrong doings, as we also have forgiven those who have wronged us.
`And keep us far away from temptation and enticement and deliver us and protect us from evil. [For You are the mighty King that reigns with all the power and the glory forever ever. Amen.'] (OutCast Version)
`My Father Who is in heaven (so tender and strong), sacred and holy is Your name.
`Your powerful kingdom is coming. Your will and desire be done, On this earth as it is done in heaven.
`Give me each day exactly what I need.
`And forgive me of my mess ups and wrong doings, as I also have forgiven those who have wronged me.
`And keep me far away from temptation and enticement and deliver me and protect me from evil. [For You are the mighty King that reigns with all the power and the glory forever ever. Amen.']
God is in the process of making the OutCast into strong and powerful nation. God has taken the freaks, the misfits, the rejected and discarded ones a massive and powerful force.
Mic 4:7 "I will make the lame, the defective a remnant and a survivor. I will make the outcasts, the freaks, the misfits, the rejects and discarded ones a strong nation and a massive powerful variety of people,”
(OutCast Version)
Father God You have made me the lame, and defective a remnant and a survivor. You have made this outcast, this freak, this misfit, this reject and discarded one part of a strong nation and part of a massive powerful variety of people. Amen
The Lord is our help and our Redeemer. He always hears our prayers. Our enemies may rejoice at our slip ups, but is our helper and will always help us up. He always lights our way.
Mic 7:7-8 So, as for me I will look to the LORD for His help; I will wait patiently for the God Who is my Salvation and my Redeemer; My God will hear me. He always hears me.
Do not rejoice over me, my enemy. Do not dance in my mess-ups. When I fall, I will arise. When I mess up, then I triumph. When I sit in darkness in the shadows, The LORD will be a light to me. A powerful limelight to light my way.
(OutCast Version)
So, as for me I will look to You O' LORD for Your help; I will wait patiently for You My God Who is my Salvation and my Redeemer; Father God You hear me. You always hears me.
Let not my enemies rejoice over me. Do not let them dance in my mess-ups. When I fall, I will arise. When I mess up, then I triumph. When I sit in darkness in the shadows, You O' LORD will be a light to me. A powerful limelight to light my way. Amen
This life is a very difficult race that takes a great amount of stamina, with our eye on our heavenly prize.
Php 3:14 I run this difficult race with all endurance with my eye on the heavenly prize that God, through Christ Jesus, has set in front of us.
(OutCast Version)
O' Father God, I run this difficult race with all endurance with my eye on You, my heavenly prize that You, through Christ Jesus, has set in front of me. Amen
We can do all the things that we set out to do through Christ Who gives us the strength to do it.
Php 4:13 I can do all things, I am able to live through it all through Him Who is Christ Who strengthens me.
(OutCast Version)
O God, I know I can do all things, I am able to live through it all through You Who is Christ Who strengthens me. Amen
We must trust in the Lord with all our heart. We must not rely on our own understanding. In everything we do, He will direct our path and lead us in the way that we should go.
Pro 3:5, 6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not depend or rely on your own understanding, your own reasoning and your own intelligence;
in everything you do, be in in deep intimate relationship with the Lord, and He will lead you, guide you and direct you and make your paths straight and successful.
(OutCast Version)
I will always trust in You LORD with all my heart and I will not depend or rely on my own understanding, on my own reasoning and my own intelligence;
in everything I do, I will be in in deep intimate relationship with You O' Lord, and You will lead me, guide me and direct me and make my paths straight and successful. Thank You Father. Amen
Our Father in Heaven inclines His ear to hear us when we call out Him. He hears our every word.
Psa 17:6 I call out to you and you answer me because You always answer me, Father God. You Bend down to listen to every word I pray.
(OutCast Version)
Father God, I call out to you and you answer me because You always answer me, my Father God. I praise You because You Bend down to listen to every word I pray. Amen
The King James Version of the Scripture says, “ Keep me as the apple of Your eye”. We are all He thinks about. He loves us deeply. He is jealous for us. We are His obsession. We are His Special Possession.
Psa 17:8 Keep me as Your obsession, keep Your eyes fixed on me; protect me like the eagles protect their young with their mighty wings. (OutCast Version)
Father God, Keep me as Your obsession, keep Your eyes fixed on me, may I always be the apple of Your eye; protect me like the mighty eagles protect their young with their powerful wings. You are so powerful, so mighty, so tender, and jealous for me. I'm in awe. Amen
We need to wait patiently on the Lord to act. We must be fearless and brave and never lose hope. Remain calm and be at peace. He will respond at the right time.
Psa 27:14 Patiently wait for the LORD to act. Be fearless and courageous and never lose hope. Yes be at peace, and be calm as you wait patiently for the LORD to act. (OutCast Version)
I will wait patiently for You LORD to act. I will be fearless and courageous and I will never lose hope. Yes, I will be at peace, and be calm as I wait patiently for You O' LORD to act and move on my behalf. Amen
When we pray every time and all the time, when trouble comes, He keeps us safe. Father God is our secret Hiding place. While we hide in Him He sings to us with songs of comfort.
Psa 32:6, 7 So, this is what I know, everyone who believes and follows Father God should pray to You every time and all the time for You are always here; When the storms of life come upon us, You keep us safe.
You, Father God are my secret hiding place, my asylum of protection; You shelter me from trouble; I am surrounded, I am completely engulfed with Your celebrating songs of deliverance and victory. Selah (Pause and think about that).
(OutCast Version)
So, this is what I know O Father in heaven, everyone who believes and follows You, Father God should pray to You every time and all the time for You are always here; When the storms of life come upon us, You keep us safe. You are so caring.
You, Father God are my secret hiding place, my asylum of protection; You shelter me from trouble; I am surrounded, I am completely engulfed with Your celebrating songs of deliverance and victory. I meditate on this everyday. Amen
God's wonderful and magnificent deeds and thoughts about are more than can be numbered. But, we can tell everyone about the ones we know of.
Psa 40:5 You have multiplied and multiplied, O LORD my God, your wondrous and magnificent deeds and your thoughts toward us; no one can compare with you! I will proclaim, I will declare, I will shout out and tell everyone about them, yet they are more than can be told.
(OutCast Version)
O God my Father, You have multiplied and multiplied, O LORD my God, Your wondrous and magnificent deeds and Your thoughts toward me; no one can compare with you! I will proclaim, I will declare, I will shout out and tell everyone about them, yet they are more than can be told. Amen
Father God is not looking for burnt offerings. He does not require legalistic rituals. He wants a relationship us. That's it.
Psa 40:6 You take no delight and no pleasure in blood sacrifices or offerings of animals. Now that you have made me listen and hear You when You speak to me. So, I finally understand, I finally get it-- You don't require or demand or even ask for burnt offerings or sin offerings of animals.
(OutCast Version)
Oh Loving Father, You take no delight and no pleasure in blood sacrifices or offerings of animals. Now that You have made me listen and hear You when You speak to me. So Father, I finally understand, I finally get it-- You don't require or demand or even ask for burnt offerings or sin offerings of animals. You were the ultimate sacrifice for me. Amen
Father God doesn't just see our tears, but rather He collects them and keeps track of them. He records them all in in His book of Comfort.
Psa 56:8 You keep track of all my sorrows, wounds and pains. Your OutCasts tears, You collect them all in Your bottle. You have recorded every last one of them in Your book called, "Comfort". (OutCast Version)
You keep track of all my sorrows, wounds and pains. Your OutCasts tears, my tears, You collect them all in Your bottle. You have recorded every last one of them in Your book called, "Comfort". Amen
Father God continually saves us and keeps us saved. He keeps us from death time and time again.
Psa 68:20 Our God is the mighty God who saves us continually! For the Lord, Yahweh, our Savior rescues us and delivers us from the ultimate death many times over. (OutCast Version)
You, O' God are the mighty God who saves me continually! For You O' Lord, Yahweh, my Savior You rescue me and deliver me from the ultimate death many times over. Thank You, so very much. Amen
Our body will give out and break down, but God's strength and power is our energizing force of our heart. He is all we will ever need.
Psa 73:26 My flesh and my heart may fail, my joints may ache and my eyes grow dim, but God is the strength, the force and the power of my heart and my portion, fortune and gift forever and ever.
(OutCast Version)
My flesh and my heart may fail, my joints may ache and my eyes grow dim, but God You are the strength, force and power of my heart and my portion, fortune and gift forever and ever. Amen
When we dwell in God's Asylum, in His safe place, we should shout to the world, “God is my refuge, I will always trust in Him”.
Psa 91:1, 2 He who dwells, resides and lives in the shelter, in the asylum of the Most High the only Living God, will hold on to and be safe in the coolness of the shadow of Almighty God. I will shout to the LORD, and tell the world, "He is my refuge, my safe place, my asylum and my mighty fortress of peace! My God, in whom I trust!"
(OutCast Version)
Father God, I will dwell, reside and live in the shelter, in the asylum of You Most High, the only Living God. You will hold on to me and I will be safe in the coolness of the shadow of You, Almighty God. I will shout to You O' LORD, and tell the world, "You are my refuge, my safe place, my asylum and my mighty fortress of peace! My God, in whom I trust!" Amen
The Lord not reject nor abandon His people, His OutCast, His Segullahs. He will never leave us nor forsake us.
Psa 94:14 The LORD will not reject, abandon nor forget His people, His OutCasts, His Segûllâhs, anybody; he will not walk away from His very own Special Possession.
(OutCast Version)
O' LORD You will not reject, abandon nor forget Your people, Your OutCasts, Your Segûllâhs, anybody…me; You will not walk away from Your very own Special Possession. Amen
Father God is always here to comfort us with His Holy Spirit. That's His job.
Psa 94:17 - 19 If the LORD had not been there to help me, My soul would have gone to the place of unbearable silence. The silence of the dead.
If I should scream out to You, "I have fallen! I have messed up!" Your unquenchable and consuming fiery Love , O LORD, will hold me up in comfort.
When my restless and anxious thoughts multiply within me and come upon me in rapid fire, Your comforting Spirit encourages me and causes my soul to dance within me. (OutCast Version)
My LORD if You had not been there to help me, My soul would have gone to the place of unbearable silence. The silence of the dead.
If I should scream out to You, "I have fallen! I have messed up!" Your unquenchable and consuming fiery Love , O LORD, will hold me up in comfort.
When my restless and anxious thoughts multiply within me and come upon me in rapid fire, Your comforting Spirit encourages me and causes my soul to dance within me. Amen
He throws all of our mess ups, our sins so far away from us that they can never haunt us again.
Psa 103:12 From infinity to the right to infinity to the left, is how far He has thrown our mess-ups and wrong doings from us.
(OutCast Version)
Father God, from infinity to the right to infinity to the left, is how far You have thrown my mess-ups and my wrong doings from me. Amen
His good and tender thoughts about us are many that they can't be numbered.
Psa 139:17 Your thoughts about me are so tenderly precious that You call me Segullah, O God. Your tender thoughts, they cannot be numbered! You have so many of them.
(OutCast Version)
Oh, my Father in Heaven, Your thoughts about me are so tenderly precious that You call me Segullah (Your Special Possession). O God, Your tender thoughts, they are so numerous that they cannot be numbered! You have so many of them. Thank You Father. Amen