Father God is our Master Builder and our Master Craftsman. He recreated us and joined us together with Him like the pieces of a puzzle. He is making us into His holy temple
Eph 2:21 God, like a Master Builder has carefully joined us together in Him, so we are in the process of becoming a holy temple for the Lord. (OutCast Version)
Father God, like a Master Builder You have carefully joined me together in You, so I am in the process of becoming a glorious holy temple for the You. Amen
Father God will always go beyond what we need, He knows our hearts desire and wants to do more for us. Ask the Lord and tell Him your wildest dreams. He wants to hear them so He can go beyond what we think we need. His power and authority is working within us.
Eph 3:20 Now to Him Who is able, Who is more than capable to do far more abundantly, far more extravagant beyond all that we ask or think or even our wildest dreams, according to the power and authority that works within us, (OutCast Version)
Now to You O' Lord Who is able, Who is more than capable to do far more abundantly, far more extravagant beyond all that I ask or think or even my wildest dreams, according to the power and authority that works within me. Amen
Surrender your heart, mind and spirit to the Holy Spirit and He will refresh and energize you through the spirit of your mind. He help you change the way you think.
Eph 4:23 Let the Holy Spirit rejuvenated, and refresh you in the spirit of your mind, and transform your thoughts and attitude. (OutCast Version)
Oh, Father God, Let Your Holy Spirit rejuvenated, and refresh me in the spirit of my mind, and transform my thoughts and my attitude. Amen
When we say yes to Jesus, we take on His name. Our identity has become one with Christ. We are to take on His characteristics and attitude. We are to represent Jesus. We are to echo God in every little thing we do. Only then will be called children of God.
Eph 5:1 Be imitators and echo God in every little thing you do, for then you will represent your Father as His cherished sons and daughters, as His Segullahs.
(OutCast Version)
Father God I strive to be an imitator and echo You O' God in every little thing I do, for then I will represent You Father as Your cherished son, as Your Segullah. Amen
Father God gives us supernatural strength. Strength that comes from the Holy Spirit. IN Him we can be strong and bold and very brave. We can depend on Him.
Eph 6:10 Finally, at all times, in every situation be strong and be bold and very brave in the Lord and completely rely and depend on the spiritual strength of His might and power. (OutCast Version)
Finally, Father God, at all times, in every situation I will be strong and I will be bold and very brave in You O' Lord and completely rely and depend on the spiritual strength of Your might and power. Amen
Just think, when we say, “Yes.” to Jesus, our Father gives us a brand new heart and puts His Spirit within us. And His Holy Spirit helps in our transformation and helps us follow His instructions. Wow.
Eze 36:26, 27 I will also give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit within you to embrace and listen to My Spirit. I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, the stubborn, senseless, and wicked heart and I will give you a heart of flesh.
I will put My Spirit within you, to help with your transformation and cause you to walk in My instructions and My ways. You will cherish My instructions and do them.
(OutCast Version)
O Father God give me a new heart, and put a new spirit within me so I may embrace and listen to Your Holy Spirit. And please take away the stony heart out of my flesh, the stubborn, senseless, and wicked heart and please give me a heart of flesh.
And, Father put Your Spirit within me, to help me with transformation and cause me to walk in Your instructions and Your ways. I will cherish Your instructions and do them. Amen
So, how do keep from having a hard heart and fall to the trickery of sin? By encouraging and inspiring and lifting each other up in the Lord day after day. It's that easy. Instead of criticizing and gossiping and judging one another.
Heb 3:13 But encourage one another day after day, Inspire and lift each other up as long as it is still called "Today," so that none of you will be hardhearted and stubborn by the deceitfulness and trickery of sin. (OutCast Version)
Father God, may I always be able to encourage others day after day, may I Inspire and lift others up as long as it is still called "Today," O Lord so that none of us will be hardhearted and stubborn by the deceitfulness and trickery of sin. Amen
God forgets, wipes out, and erases our former life. God wants us to forget our past as He does. He is making things new and fresh for us. If we keep looking to the past while He is making things for us our thoughts are going to remain in the past and not on what He is doing now.
Isa 43:18, 19 Forget the former things, forget about what happened previously; do not dwell on the past, don't give it a second thought.
See, I am doing a new thing, something fresh and exciting! Now it springs up, and come upon you quickly; do you not perceive it, can't you see it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland, it's like magic.
(OutCast Version)
Father, I forget the former things that happened, all the mess ups and mistakes, I will forget about what happened previously; I will not dwell on the past, I will not give it a second thought.
I can see You are doing a new thing in my life, something fresh and exciting! I can see it springing up, and coming upon me quickly; yes I can perceive it, I can you see it? You are making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland, it's like magic, Father. Amen
God wipes out, He erases all our sins, all our mess ups and mistakes. And, He does because He says He will. If just picks the ones He wants to and doesn't wipe out others then He's a fraud and liar which He is not. He does what He says He will do. He has a reputation for doing what He says He will do.
Isa 43:25 I, and only I, am the One who forgives, wipes out and erases your mess-ups and wrong doings, Because My reputation says that's what I do, And I will not remember any of your mess-ups and wrong doings for all eternity. (OutCast Version)
Father, You, and only You, are the One who forgives, wipes out and erases my mess-ups and wrong doings, Because Your reputation says that's what You do, And You will not remember any of my mess-ups and wrong doings for all eternity. Amen
Father God actually carves our names maybe even our faces in the palm of His hand. We are forever in His grip. He will never forget us. We are that important to Him.
Isa 49:16 See, I have engraved you, I have permanently carved you in the palms of my hands; your walls, the walls of protection I have set up for you are ever before me.
(OutCast Version)
Father God, King of the Universe, You have engraved me, You have permanently carved me deep in the palms of Your hands; the walls of protection You have set up for me are ever before You. I am Yours. I am always in Your grip. Amen
He was beaten so severely that He was recognizable. He really didn't even look human. He allowed this for our benefit. He did this for our forgiveness of wrong doing, healing and our salvation because He loves us beyond comprehension. Why does He love us so much. Who can answer that accurately?
Isa 53:5 "But He was wounded, He was beaten beyond recognition for our transgressions, for our sins and our wrong doings, He was bruised, and His body and face was totally disfigured for our iniquities, our wrong doings; The chastisement and punishment for our peace to make us whole was upon Him, And by His stripes, His wounds, His beatings, and by the massive amount of His blood that flowed from Him we ARE healed. Not, one day healed. Not, someday will be healed. We ARE Healed."
(OutCast Version)
"But You were wounded, You was beaten beyond recognition for my transgressions, for my sins and my wrong doings, You were bruised, and Your body and face was totally disfigured for my iniquities, my wrong doings; The chastisement and punishment for my peace to make me whole was upon You, And by Your stripes, Your wounds, Your beatings, and by the massive amount of Your blood that flowed from You I am healed. Not, one day healed. Not, someday will be healed. I AM Healed." Thank You. Amen
God loves the underdog. He loves the rejected, and discarded ones. He is very quickly making the OutCast into a strong nation.
Isa 60:22 The discarded and unwanted one will become a thousand strong, and the least of these and the OutCast a strong nation. I God Almighty, will do this quickly in it's time.
(OutCast Version)
Father God, we the discarded and unwanted ones, will become a thousand strong, and the least of us, the OutCast a strong nation. You, God Almighty, will do this quickly in it's time. Amen
When God heals, He heals thoroughly and completely. When He saves, He save completely and eternally. He is our praise.
Jer 17:14 Heal me (thoroughly), O LORD, and I will be healed (completely); Save me (completely) and I will be saved (eternally), For You are my praise.
(OutCast Version)
Father God, Heal me (thoroughly),
O LORD, and I will be healed (completely);
Save me Father (completely)
and I will be saved (eternally),
For You are my praise and my Song. Amen
Father God has plans for our lives. We just need to put our faith and trust in Him. His plans are for our good. His plans are for our spiritual prosperity and for us to thrive and an awesome future.
Jer 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, My very own special plans designed just for you." declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and cause you to thrive and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and desire, a dream and a future.
(OutCast Version)
Father God, You know the plans You have for me, Your very own special plans You designed just for me, Your OutCast." O LORD, "plans to prosper me and plans to cause me to thrive and not to harm me, plans to give me hope and desire, a dream and a future. Thank You Father God. Amen
Jesus is the only way, the absolute Truth and everlasting life. We can't know the Father without a relationship Jesus.
John 14:6 Jesus explained, “I am the only Way, I am the absolute Truth, and I am the everlasting Life. No one can come to the Father except having a relationship with me first. To know Me is to know my Father as well.
(OutCast Version)
O' Jesus my dearest Friend, You have explained to me that You are the only Way, You are the absolute Truth, and that You are the everlasting Life. No one can come to the Father except having a relationship with You first. To know You is to know Your Father as well. How awesome. Amen
Grace and favor has been piled upon with more grace and favor through Jesus the very Word, the Voice and the very Sound of life. So much grace and favor.
John 1:16, 17 For of His fullness, and of His totality and completeness we have all received grace and favor heaped upon grace and favor, heaped with even more grace and favor.
For the Law, the religious rules was given through Moses; grace and truth were realized, completed in and through Jesus Christ, the Word, the Voice and the Sound of Life.
(OutCast Version)
O' Lord by Your fullness, and by Your totality and completeness I have received grace and favor heaped upon grace and favor, heaped with even more grace and favor.
For the Law, the religious rules was given through Moses; grace and truth were realized, completed in and through You, Jesus Christ, You are the Word, the Voice and the Sound of Life. Amen
God commands us to be strong and courageous. We are not to be scared or fearful. Knowing that God is with us at all time, how can we not courageous?
Josh 1:9 "Have I not commanded you? You know I have. Be strong and courageous! Be filled with power and confidence. Do not be scared or tremble or be horrified. Do not fear or be shocked, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go. I will never leave you."
(OutCast Version)
Mighty Father you have commanded me. Time and time again You have told me, "Be strong and courageous! Be filled with power and confidence. Do not be scared or tremble or be horrified. Do not fear or be shocked, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go." You said You will never leave me. Father God, I will obey Your command. I will be Strong and Courageous. Amen
We must never lose our grip on the Lord. We must hold on to Him as tightly as we can and never let go. He never lets us go, we must never let go of Him.
Jos 23:8 Rather, cling tightly, hold on to the LORD your God with all your might, never lose your grip and never let go of Him just as you have never let go in the past. (OutCast Version)
I will cling tightly, I will hold on to You O'LORD my God with all my might, I will never lose my grip and never let go of You as I have never let go in the past. Amen
Ask the Lord and He will show you how to increase and strengthen your faith. He will do it.
Luke 17:5 The apostles earnestly said to the Lord, "Show us how to increase, multiply and strengthen our faith!"
(OutCast Version)
I earnestly cry to You Lord, "Show me how to increase, multiply and strengthen my faith!" Amen
Don't be just a match that burns out, but rather be a carnival lights. An exciting carnival that draws massive crowds to Christ.
Mat 5:14 You are burning embers that light up this darkened world. So, be a blazing lighthouse fire to lead the way, like a carnival lights up the night sky on a hill for all to see.
(OutCast Version)
Thank You O' Lord for making me a burning ember that lights up this darkened world. So, I will be a blazing lighthouse fire to lead the way to those in darkness, like a carnival lights up the night sky on a hill for all to see. Amen