The love of Father God was made real by Him sending His only Son to die for us, then live again. This is love in motion. His Son Jesus was the ultimate and only sacrifice for all our mess ups and wrong doings.
1Jn 4:9, 10 This is how the love of God was made real, clear and tangible among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, to live, to die and live again, so that we might live through Him.
This is real kinetic love, not that we loved God first because we didn't, but that he loved us before time began and He sent His Son to be the only and ultimate sacrifice for our mess ups, our wrongdoings, our sins.
(OutCast Version)
Father God, this how Your love was made real, clear and tangible among us, that You sent Your only Son into the world, to live, to die and live again, so that we might live through Him.
This is real kinetic love, not that we loved You first because we didn't, but that You loved us before time began and You sent Your Son to be the only and ultimate sacrifice for our mess ups, our wrongdoings, our sins. Amen
Father God does what He says. He does not lie. He says He forgives all our sins. Don't think He won't forgive a sin you committed because it was so bad. If He doesn't, then He lied. God can't lie. He does everything He says He will do.
1 John 2:12 I write to you, children of God, Because your sins, your mess-ups and wrong doings are permanently forgiven you for His name’s sake. For if He doesn't forgive, then He's a fraud. He must forgive all those who ask.
(OutCast Version)
Father God, I thank You because my sins, my mess-ups and wrong doings are permanently forgiven me for Your Name’s sake. For, if You don't forgive, then You're a fraud. So, You must forgive all those who ask. Thank You again. Amen
The love of Father God is very deep, very passionate, and a consuming fire. He accepted us as we are and He will transform us as He sees fit and He calls us His children. We are lavished with His awesome love to make us His very own.
1 John 3:1 Think about and try to process the depth and kind of love Father God has lavished on us, that He calls us His own children! This is why the world does not know us. We are like aliens to them. And the world does not know our Father in Heaven. (OutCast Version)
Father God, I think about and I try to process the depth and kind of love You have lavished on me, that You call me Your very own child! This is why the world does not know me. I am like an alien to them. And the world does not know You O Father in Heaven. Amen
We can pray that Father God will bless us. That is aloud. Jabez did. He asked that God would continue to bless him and enlarge and expand his territory. Father God will do the same for you, for me, for us. Because God is the One and only good God.
1Ch 4:10 And Jabez called on and petitioned the God of Israel, the God of creation saying, "Oh, that You would bless me and continue blessing me always, and enlarge and expand the measure of my territory, the boarder's of my regions, and my sphere of action, that Your mighty hand would be with me and guide me, and that You would keep me from evil, and from grief and harm that I may not cause anyone pain!" So God granted him what he requested.
(OutCast Version)
I call on and petition You O God of Israel, the God of creation saying, "Oh, that You would bless me and continue blessing me always, and enlarge and expand the measure of my territory, the boarder's of my regions, and my sphere of action, that Your mighty hand would be with me and guide me, and that You would keep me from evil, and from grief and harm that I may not cause anyone pain!" So God grant me what I requested. Amen
To those who are lost and believing, the meaning, message and essence of the cross is foolishness. They don't understand nor can comprehend the reality of its effect on people's lives. But, to the believer it's awesome power is amazing.
1Co 1:18 For the message, the meaning, the essence of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, who are dying without believing in Christ, but to us who do believe, who are being saved it is the awesome power of God. (OutCast Version)
Father God, the message, the meaning, the essence of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, who are dying without believing in Christ, but to me and all the other OutCasts who do believe, who are being saved it is the awesome power of You O' God. Amen
1Co 6:19, 20 Do you not get it yet? Don't you know that your body is the Hallowed House, the Asylum of the Holy Spirit who dwells, resides and inhabits you, whom you have received from Father God, and you are absolutely not your own person? For, God purchased you at a very expensive price, paid for with the precious blood of His Son, you now belong to Him. You are not your own, you are God's Special Possession, His Segullahs. (OutCast Version)
Father God, I finally get it. My body is Your Hallowed House, the Asylum of Your Holy Spirit Who dwells, resides and inhabits me, whom I have received from You Father God, and I am absolutely not my own person. For, You O' God purchased me at a very expensive price, paid for with the precious blood of Your Son, I now belong to You. I am not my own, I am Your Special Possession, Your Segullah. Amen
Fear not! Be brave! Be fearless! Do not drop your guard. Keep the faith. And, let everything you do be done in kinetic love. (Love in Motion)
1Co 16:13,14 Watch! Keep your eyes wide open. Hold steady and do not waiver in the faith! Be courageous! Be fearless! Be strong! Be brave!
Let every little thing that you do be done in kinetic love.
(OutCast Version)
Father God, I will Watch! I will keep my eyes wide open. I will Hold steady and will not waiver in the faith! I will be courageous! I will be fearless! I will be strong! I will be brave!
Every little thing that I do will be done in kinetic love. Amen
Kinetic love = Love in Motion
Father God doesn't accept just a select few, but every single person who believes that Jesus is the Christ. Father God has made all who believe His children, including the freak, the doctor, the teacher, the weird, the goth, the ex-porn star, the ex-pimp and so on.
1Jn 5:1 Everyone, not just a select few, but every single person who believes that Jesus is the Christ has become a child of God. And everyone who loves the Father loves all his children, too. The Freak, the doctor, the Goth, the teacher, the Weird and the lawyer all Gods children. (OutCast Version)
Father God, I know that everyone, not just a select few, but every single person who believes that Jesus is the Christ has become a child of God. And, that includes me. And everyone who loves the Father loves all his children, too. The Freak, the doctor, the Goth, the teacher, the Weird and the lawyer all Gods children. Again, that includes me. Amen
At one time we were absolutely nothing. We had no identity. No reason for our existence, until we believed and Father God accepted us. In a split second we went from nothing to God's Segullah (God's special treasured possession).
1Pe 2:10 there was a time when you were nothing now you are something great, you were rejected and discarded now you are accepted. (OutCast Version)
Father God, there was a time when I was nothing now I am something great (Your Segullah), I was rejected and discarded now I am accepted. (Thank You Father) Amen
Segullah is Hebrew for, "Special Possession, Treasured Jewel"
The war is real. The evil is real. But, we are The Precious Segullahs of God. And because we are God's Segullahs, we are aliens and strangers in this world.
1Pe 2:11 Precious Segûllâhs of God,
I urge you as aliens and strangers, and OutCasts and Freaks
to stay away from lusts and evil sexual desires
which wage war against the soul and God's desire for us.
(OutCast Version)
(Segullah - Special Possession)
Thank You Father for calling me Your Precious Segûllâh,
since I am an alien and stranger, and an OutCast and Freak
I will stay away from lusts and evil sexual desires
which wage war against my soul and Your desire for me. Amen
Kinetic Love is Love in Motion. We must echo God's intense aggressively and consuming love. God showed His love by sending Jesus to die for us. Don't tell them Jesus loves them until you show them first.
1Pe 4: 8, 9 Above all, constantly echo God’s intense and aggressively consuming love, be in kinetic love for one another, because love covers and forgives a multitude and a legion of sins.
Be compassionate and tenderhearted to OutCasts, Freaks and to ALL without complaining.
(OutCast Version)
Father God, Above all, I will constantly echo Yourintense and aggressively consuming love, I will have kinetic love for everyone, because love covers and forgives a multitude and a legion of sins.
I will be compassionate and tenderhearted to the OutCasts, Freaks and to ALL without complaining. Amen
Kinetic - animated, aggressive, movement, Motion
Kinetic Love = Love in Motion
We as believers must live our life by faith. In faith. Fully dependent on Father God. Trusting fully on Him. We can't depend on what we see.
2Co 5:7 for we walk, live and move through life by our faith, hope and trust in Jesus Christ not by sight, not by what we see--
(OutCast Version)
Father in Heaven, I walk, live and move through life by my faith, hope and trust in Jesus Christ not by sight, not by what I can see. Amen
Those who say with their whole heart, “Yes, I believe.” are instantly made into new creation. Never before existed creation. All past wounds, hurts and pains are gone. New, fresh and luxuriant things have arrived.
2Co 5:17 Therefore if anyone is in Christ, if anyone says, “I believe” with their whole heart, that person is a new creature, a new person, a new never before existed creation; the old things, all the past wounds, hurts and sins passed away, and was wiped out of existence; behold, a new, fresh and luxuriant things have come.
(OutCast Version)
Father God, since I am in Christ, and I said, “I believe” with my whole heart, I am a new creature, a new person, a new never before existed creation; the old things, all my past wounds, hurts and sins passed away, and was wiped out of existence; behold, new, fresh and luxuriant things have come. Thank You, Father. Amen
It's always the right time. Salvation and healing is for yesterday, today and everyday.
2Co 6:2 For God does say, "At just the right time, for it is always the right time I heard you. On the day that I saved you, I did help you." Yes, the "right time" is now. Today is the day that I save you and that I heal you. Now, is always the right time.
(OutCast Version)
For You Father God say, "At just the right time, for it is always the right time I heard you. On the day that I saved you, I did help you." Yes, O' Lord the "right time" is now. Today is the day that You save me and that You heal me. Now, is always the right time. Yes, O' Lord the time is now. Amen
There is absolutely nothing we have in common with this brutal ads sinful world. Absolutely nothing. The God of the Universe dwells, resides and inhabits His temple which is us. He talks to us and we with Him.
2Co 6:16 And what agreement, what harmony has the temple of God with idols, lifeless images? For you are the temple the holy house of the only true living God. As God has said: "I will dwell, reside and inhabit them, And walk and commune with them. I will be their God, And they shall be My people." (OutCast Version)
And what agreement, what harmony do I have, the temple of You O' God have with idols, with lifeless images? For I am the temple the holy house of the only true living God. As You, Father God have said: "I will dwell, reside and inhabit them, And walk and commune with them. I will be their God, And they shall be My people." Thank You Father that I am Yours. Amen.
When we pray for others, we should pray that Father God would bless them all spiritual strength with all His explosive power and with all His abundance and weight of His glory. And pray they will be filled with overflowing joy. Joy that can only come the Father.
Col 1:11 So, we pray that Father God would bless you with all spiritual strength and energize you with all His explosive mighty power, and with all that comes from the abundance and weight of His glory, to give you all endurance and hope. May you always be filled with complete overflowing joy.
(OutCast Version)
So, I pray that You Father God would bless me with all spiritual strength and energize me with all Your explosive mighty power, and with all that comes from the abundance and weight of Your glory, to give me all endurance and hope. May I always be filled with complete overflowing joy. Amen
When we said yes to Jesus, He made us complete, completely whole and we are perfect in His eyes, because we are in Him Who is perfect.
Col 2:10 Now, you are made complete and perfect in Him, Who rules over every kingdom and power on earth and beyond the stars. (OutCast Version)
Father God, You have made me complete and perfect in You. You, Who rules over every kingdom and power on earth and beyond the stars. Thank You. Amen
A lot of people think of God as a hard ruler, a tough and very strict judge ready to pass sentence on every mess up and mistake we make. But, our God is jealous and completely crazy for us. His love for us is an intense and all consuming fire that can't quenched. He loves us so much that sent His Son for us.
Deu 4:24 "For the LORD your God is a consuming, devouring and intense fire, a jealous and completely crazy for us God.
(OutCast Version)
For You my LORD my God You are a consuming, devouring and intense fire, You are jealous and completely crazy for me O' God. Amen
Before God made the world, before time began He looked ahead into time into the future and saw us and chose us to be His very own. And, through His Son we are adopted as His children without defect and completely flawless. And this gives Him great joy.
Eph 1:4, 5 Even before he made the world, before He set one star in the empty space God loved us and chose us and picked us in Christ to be His, to be holy and without any defect, to be completely flawless in his eyes.
God purposed in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself and calling us His very own through Jesus Christ. This is what He purposed to do and wanted to do, and it gave Him great and delight and joy.
(OutCast Nation)
Father God even before You made the world, before You set one star in the empty space You loved me and chose me and picked me in Christ to be Yours, to be holy and without any defect, to be completely flawless in Your eyes.
You purposed in advance to adopt me into Your own family by bringing me to Yourself and calling me Your very own through Jesus Christ. This is what You purposed to do and wanted to do, and it gave You great and delight and joy. Amen
Anyone, and I mean ANYONE who has said yes to Jesus is part of Him. They are tied together with Him. They are bonded with Him. They are a part of His body. No matter what we look like or dress like, no matter our station in life is or was, if we said yes to Jesus we are part of Him and He is part of us.
Eph 2:18 And now that we are united to Christ, we both freak and non-freak, goth and non-goth, normal and anti-normal are now able to approach Father God in prayer by His Holy Spirit, because of what Christ has done.
(OutCast Version)
Father God, now that I am united to Christ, I know that it doesn't matter if I am a freak or non-freak, goth or non-goth, normal or anti-normal I am able to approach You O' Father in prayer by Your Holy Spirit, because of what Christ has done. Amen