We believe in God the Father.
God the Son, Who is Jesus Christ.
God the Holy Spirit.
This is The Holy Trinity.
We believe anyone can be saved by asking and believing (Act 16:31).
We believe we are cleansed from sin by the blood of Jesus.(Col 1:14)
We believe We ALL mess up (Rom 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,)
We believe in accepting one another as God accepted us.(Romans 15:7)
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What is OutCast Nation? Outcast Nation’s former name was Church of the OutCast. But, what is it? Well, it’s not about religion or “does' and don’ts”.
About OutCast Nation
Following my wife and I's time as House Parents for at-risk teen girls, the Lord led me to start OutCast Nation. The girls were in the system for multiple reasons. They lived very violent lives. Some use to live in cars. Some were sold for drugs, raped by family and many other horrible things. The Lord gave me a message for them, and that was - their identity is in Christ, and how Jesus thinks of them. Their past doesn't define who they are, and to let the past die and let Jesus heal them. It really made a difference in them.
When our time was up, I didn't know what to do. I, myself didn't feel like I was finished. I felt the Lord leading me to go this route to share the message that He gave me for the girls. To share this message with the Gothic community, to the freaks, to the discarded ones and the rejects, to the OutCasts of the Church and society. At least that's where it started. Though, it has evolved in to something larger, something greater.
The OutCast Nation began as an outreach for those who don't feel welcomed at the traditional Church. And, for those who keep messing-up over and over again like me. God is the God of second, third, fourth...chances. I myself don't really feel welcomed in some Churches.
I use Mic 4:7 as the foundation scripture of this ministry. It reads, Mic 4:7 "I will make the lame a remnant And the outcasts a strong nation,”(NASB). The Outcast Nation is a diverse nation, and a strong nation.
When the Outcast Nation started, I never would have dreamed there would be such a diverse of people following the page. Teachers, Preachers, Musicians, Evangelist, Psychiatrists, Witches, Goths, Punks, Straight, Gay and so on. We may be OutCasts to the Church and the world, but we are God's OutCasts that He has made into a Strong Nation.
Luke 14:23, 24 “So the master told him, ‘All right. Go out again, and this time bring them all back with you. Persuade the beggars on the streets, the hookers on the street corners and their pimps, the outcasts, the freaks and the rejects, those who live in the shadows, even the homeless. Urgently insist that they come in My house and enjoy the feast so that my house will be full of joy.’
“I say to you all, the one who receives the invitation to My feast with me and makes excuse after excuse will never enjoy my banquet.”
(OutCast Version)
All are invited.
God has done a great and mighty work here. I give Father God Who is the Timeless-One all the Glory. I am nothing without Him. I can do nothing without Him.
Soon, I pray God will give me the means to open an actual Church building.
The root message Father God gave me for the OutCast Nation is, 1. who we are in Christ, 2. leave the past behind, 3. we are new, never existed before creations, 4. Father God loves us, He calls us His Segullah (Hebrew meaning, His Special Possession and Treasured Jewel), 5. Father God is Jealous for us because His Name is Jealous- Exo 34:14, 6. Father God has engraved us in the palms of His hands, He never leaves us Isa 49:16, 7. Father God is NOT a scary, mean or an angry God. He is a loving, tender and caring Father, 8. Father God cares about the condition of the heart, not our appearance (not what we wear or look like).
As I said, I believe this is a message that needs to be heard. It's been two years since I started the OutCast Nation page on Facebook, and the page now has over 1000 followers. So, I am trying to get the financial means to get an actual Church building under the same name, so all of us OutCasts will have a place to go where we can be who God made us to be
Mic 4:7 "I will make the lame, the defective a remnant and a survivor. I will make the outcasts, the freaks, the misfits, the rejects and discarded ones a strong nation and a massive powerful variety of people,”
(OutCast Version)
The OutCast Nation is designed for all those of you who feel different. Who feel you are rejected or discarded for one reason or another. Maybe you feel you have messed up one too many times.
The OutCast Nation is for Goths, Misfits, Freaks, the Strange, the Rejects and the Dark Ones.
The OutCast Nation is for all those who dress differently, talk differently, and wear their hair different. You might wear a lot of black and white makeup.
The OutCast Nation is for those who mess-up and make mistakes and keep making mistakes.
The OutCast Nation is for those who need 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th,…..chances.
OutCast Nation is about identity. Who you are in Christ and who you can be.
It’s about leaving your past alone. Your past doesn’t exist any longer.
Outcast Nation is about grace, mercy, compassion, forgiveness and love…. No matter who you are.
Grace, mercy, compassion, forgiveness and love is for everyone, no matter what.
God accepts you, we accept you.
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ChurchoftheOutcast
Check us out on Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/ChurchoftheOutcast